How often do you have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or activities, such as long conversations, reading, or working on a project?
How often do you make careless mistakes in your work or overlook details?
How often do you have difficulty organizing tasks and activities (e.g., managing time, keeping materials in order, or meeting deadlines)?
How often do you lose things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, or cell phones)?
How often are you easily distracted by external stimuli (e.g., other activities, sounds, or thoughts unrelated to what you are doing)?
How often do you forget to do things like paying bills, returning calls, or keeping appointments?
How often do you have difficulty following through on instructions or fail to complete tasks at work, home, or school?
How often do you avoid, dislike, or delay tasks that require sustained mental effort (e.g., preparing reports, completing forms, or studying)?
How often do you lose track of details when engaging in long, complex tasks (e.g., writing a report or managing multiple tasks)?
How often do you find yourself having to reread things multiple times to understand them?
How often do you start tasks or projects with enthusiasm, but lose focus or interest before completing them?
How often do you daydream or zone out during activities that require attention and focus?
How often do you misplace items like your phone, keys, or wallet because you forgot where you left them?
How often do you skip or miss important details when planning or executing tasks?
How often do you find yourself distracted by irrelevant thoughts or sounds when you are trying to concentrate on a task?
How often do you feel restless or fidgety (e.g., tapping hands or feet, or squirming in your seat)?
How often do you find it difficult to sit still for long periods (e.g., during meetings, presentations, or while working)?
How often do you feel the need to move around or leave your seat when remaining seated is expected?
How often do you talk excessively or dominate conversations?
How often do you interrupt others during conversations or activities?
How often do you blurt out answers before questions have been fully asked or finish other people’s sentences?
How often do you feel like you're always "on the go" or unable to relax, even when relaxation is expected?
How often do you find yourself struggling to wait your turn in situations (e.g., conversations, lines, or meetings)?
How often do you feel overly energetic or have trouble sitting still, even in calm or relaxed settings?
How often do you engage in impulsive behaviors (e.g., making hasty decisions, spending impulsively, or interrupting others)?
How often do you struggle with self-control or regulating your behavior when excited or upset?
How often do you find yourself rushing through tasks, even when accuracy or detail is important?
How often do you find it difficult to wait for something to happen, leading to feelings of impatience or frustration?
How often do you act or speak before thinking through the consequences?
How often do you find it difficult to stop yourself from engaging in behaviors you know are impulsive or disruptive?